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Spine Rehabilitation

The spine is a complex and fascinating structure and here at Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation. You will be evaluated by one of our highly qualified therapists to determine the optimal approach to treat your condition.  We have experience with both conservative and postoperative treatment of the spine. The success of our treatment plans starts with a thorough evaluation and the subsequent integration of exercise, manual therapy, decompression therapy, massage therapy and modalities.

Pre and Post Operative Rehabilitation

At Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we have developed a plan of care which will take you seamlessly from your pre-operative status into the post operative phase following the precautions and protocols set out by your physician.  This highly specialized program includes patient and family education, exercise, pain and swelling management and use of assistive devices as indicated.  We work closely with your referring physician to ensure your achieve the maximum benefits from your rehabilitation process.

Post Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation

Injuries can be acute, due to repetitive stress or chronic in origin.  Here at Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we will perform a thorough evaluation that will allow for us to implement the most effective treatment plan to address your signs and symptoms and also identify possible causative factors.  As you approach discharge to your home exercise program we will have incorporated an injury prevention plan so that your can maximize your movement and sport potential.

Gait Training

At Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we provide two gait training programs in response to the specific needs of our clients;

  1. Pre-operative program. Prior to your procedure you will be seen for 1-2 visits to review of the anticipated surgical procedure, instruct in the weight bearing status and ensure safety with transfers and activities of daily living. You may also be instructed in some gentle exercises and use of modalities that will help to manage any postoperative discomfort and swelling.
  2. In response to changes in your functional stability, balance and strength. This program will identify your specific needs and incorporate strengthening for the lower and upper extremities, stabilizations for the core and pelvic girdle, postural and balance re-education and neuro-muscular re-education. The main goals of this program are to increase your functional independence and decrease your risk of falling.

Balance and Proprioceptive Rehabilitation

Disorders of the balance can be derived from both orthopaedic and neurological sources. Here at Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we will perform a thorough evaluation and design a treatment plan specific to your symptom presentation and help you attain the highest functional independence.  Treatment will include exercises which will focus on improving the synergy of the neuro-muscular system, postural awareness, strengthening and stabilization.

Amputee and Prosthetic Training

Our program at Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation is a customized program designed to help you attain maximum independence and safety.  Following your initial evaluation we will ensure that we address your specific needs from pain and swelling management, gait re-education, strengthening and range of movement.  We will work with your doctor and prosthetist and help you to attain the highest level of independence and quality of life with day-to-day activities.

Foot Evaluation and Orthotics

At Gurnee Physical rehabilitation we have the ability to actually take a photographic image of the bed of your foot and identify shifts in weight bearing.  This image can be reviewed immediately and used to construct a custom orthotic available within just days. Having this technology available onsite means that we can also immediately respond to within your physical therapy sessions and develop an injury prevention protocol based on your specific biomechanical needs. 

TMJ Dysfunction

Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD will often present with pain, stiffness and or clicking in the jaw.  In addition you may experience headaches, difficulty chewing, facial pain and neck pain.  There are many factors that can precipitate TMD such as osteo-arthritis, changes in alignment of the teeth or posture and  trauma.  Here at Gurnee Rehabilitation we use a comprehensive approach to treatment that includes therapeutic stretching and stabilization, soft tissue mobilization and anti-inflammatory modalities.

Hand Therapy

Hand therapy includes treatment chronic osteoarthritic or neurological symptoms and also for specific trauma, injury, surgery, including amputation, and also for conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis and golfer’s elbow which can be the result of repetitive and cumulative disorders.  Here at Gurnee Rehabilitation, following a thorough evaluation, your treatment will include a comprehensive program of stretching, scar massage, strengthening, soft-tissue mobilization and anti-inflammatory modalities.


At Gurnee Physical Therapy rehabilitation we will perform a thorough evaluation of your child and provide you with a home exercise program so that you can reinforce the treatment plan everyday.  The treatment will consist of stretching and soft-tissue mobilization and positional therapy such as ‘tummy time’ and play time.  We will also guide you through your home environment so that you can set up the play areas and social time to encourage your child to explore the ‘world on the non-preferred side.

Hyalgan Knee Rehabilitation

At Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we strive to make your knee rehabilitation as efficient as possible.  Having our physiatrist onsite means that your can receive your weekly injections in the same facility and at the same time as your physical therapy.  The knee rehabilitation program includes patient education, therapeutic exercise, soft tissue mobilization and modalities as needed.  At the end of the course of care you will be provided with a thorough exercise program designed to transition you seamlessly to your independent home or gym environment. Read More about HYALGAN®…


At Gurnee Physical Therapy rehabilitation we use kinesiotaping to augment the healing process for a wide range of diagnoses such as lateral epicondylitis, patello-femoral pain, ankle, shoulder, hip and the spine.  Kinesiotaping helps by increasing the sensory awareness of a muscle group and thereby helping  to manage pain and swelling and facilitate strengthening.

Osteoporosis Aerobic & Resistance Training

Osteoporosis is characterized by the gradual demineralization of bone increasing the individual’s susceptibility to fractures.  Research indicates a significant value to implementing an exercise program that includes weight bearing and resistance training.  Here at Gurnee Physical Rehabilitation we have developed a plan of care that is customized to help you to identify your specific risk factors and make pro-active lifestyle choices using therapeutic exercise and education.

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Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday
7:30 am - 6:30 pm


Noon - 6:30 pm

7:30 am - 5:00 pm

7:00 am - 10:00 am